Cigar Stories Unwrapped
People smoking cigars and telling stories. Join Paul as he and guest hosts travel the United States seeking those one-of-a-kind funny, ironic and quirky stories retold by those in the cigar community. Paul discovers the brotherhood of the leaf!
Cigar Stories Unwrapped
Tales from the Robusto Cigar Bar: Mark Twain
Paul Hardt
Season 1
Episode 1
"Mark Twain's Cigar Tales: From Muse to Mischief" Episode 1 finds Paul at Key West's Island Cigar Company's Robusto Cigar Bar. Customers and passersby made up the studio audience for the episode. Beside customer interviews, Paul soaks up the tropical environment, enjoys a Toro and retells accounts of how Mark Twain used the presence of a cigar to write, pilot a steamboat and heist a few of his friends' high-end stogies. Welcome to the podcast! Escape.