Cigar Stories Unwrapped
People smoking cigars and telling stories. Join Paul as he and guest hosts travel the United States seeking those one-of-a-kind funny, ironic and quirky stories retold by those in the cigar community. Paul discovers the brotherhood of the leaf!
3 episodes
Imprinting: Good Man. Great Cigar.
Paul tells about his life with a man who inprired him to alway be a GOOD MAN. It was stressed so strongly that the words are embedded on the only poster up in the studio. That story from many years ago, mixes with the present CIGAR STORIES podc...
Season 1
Episode 3
The Great Key West Summer Solstice Cigar Hunt
Can you keep the feeling of vacation after it’s over?? Paul’s friend Sam figured out how to do it. This episode finds Paul sharing a story about his friend Sam's epic adventure in tropical Key West. Sam, on a mission ...
Season 1
Episode 2
Tales from the Robusto Cigar Bar: Mark Twain
"Mark Twain's Cigar Tales: From Muse to Mischief" Episode 1 finds Paul at Key West's Island Cigar Company's Robusto Cigar Bar. Customers and passersby made up the studio audience for the episode. Beside customer interviews, Paul soaks up ...
Season 1
Episode 1